Journalists, harassment and violence in the digital and physical environments: the Brazilian landscape

Article written by Daniela Osvald Ramos and Elizabeth Nicolau Saad Corrêa for the Studies in Journalism and Media Magazine.



Harassment and violence against journalism and journalists have been a constant feature of Brazilian society. The evolution of these processes and the transformation of social actors takes on significant dimensions with digitalization and with political-electoral and pandemic crisis events. We aim to present an exploratory-analytical look at how violence against Brazilian journalists has been occurring between 2020 and 2021, the central moment of such occurrences. The conceptual construct starts from the approaches to journalistic practice in the digitalized public sphere based on Burgess and Hurcombe (2019), and from aspects focused on the sociological approaches to violence based on Cano Busquets (2019) and Galtung (1969, 1990). Exploratory, quantitative and qualitative research results from a triangulation process constituted by the theoretical-conceptual construct, for data produced by legitimate sources: FENAJ, ABRAJI, Reporters Without Borders, and a survey of records on violence against journalists via Google Alerts.

Keywords: Journalism; Public Sphere; Violence.


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