Article written by Vitória Paschoal Baldin and Daniela Osvald Ramos for the Communication & Information Magazine.
From the notion of permanent conflict and reflecting on the importance of the news media for the actors crossed by the continuous violence between Palestine and Israel, we developed our research through aelevant bibliographical review to investigate the role of journalism in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The objective is to observe the co-constitutive role between media and conflict, verifying the alterations of these relations in face of the developments of new communication technologies. We focus on the Palestinian Intifadas, arguing about the international media’s centrality for these movements’ success. We conclude that the panorama of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is closely linked to the needs of these actors to mobilize public opinion in their favor, implying a deep dependence on news coverage.
Keywords: Journalism; Digital Platforms; Permanent Conflict; Israel. Palestine.